1.Prepare (Silencio) Put yourself in the presence of God. Become quiet and offer yourself to God.
2. Read (Lectio) Read the passage out loud, slowly allowing the words to resonate and settle in your heart. After a pause, re-read the passage out loud. During these first two readings, listen for the word or phrase that catches your attention and lights up for you.
3. Reflect (Meditatio) Take time to sit with your word or phrase. Re-read the passage quietly to yourself and listen to where the word connects with your life right now. Enter into the scene in your imagination. Carefully watch the people. Listen to how they interact. What do you hear and experience as you watch and listen?
4. Pray (Oratio) Talk to God about the word or phrase he has highlighted and what’s coming up. Might be helpful to journal. How has God addressed you in this Word and invited you to respond? Allow the Scripture to lead you into a prayer response.
5. Rest (Contemplatio) Rest in God’s presence. Deeply receive God’s word and rest in his presence and love. Give yourself some time to wait and be still before you re-enter life as usual. Take God’s word to you, with you throughout the day. Return to it and remember it all day long. Stay with God until you feel prompted to leave.
By Sr. Mary Ignatius Aquino, OSB
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